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ForsideResearchResearch priorities

Research priority

Computational social- and human sciences

Research priority

Computational social- and human sciences

MASSHINE is Aalborg University's hub for computational SSH. We bring together the researchers working on computational methods such as machine learning, language technology or image recognition across the faculty's six departments. Developments in artificial intelligence and the availability of new types of data are changing the way we do SSH. This raises new questions and challenges that researchers from different areas of expertise are working jointly to tackle. MASSHINE aims to join forces to create a community of peers across disciplines, to collaborate on new projects and create visibility regarding results. A key focus is ensuring a good framework for SSH-driven development of technical tools and methods. We are building SSH into computers of the future.

What can we do for you?

We regularly hold professional events, seek out new partnerships and share our work. If you would like to be kept up to date on our activities, invited to our events, explore opportunities for collaboration, or find a researcher who can speak on a current topic in our field, feel free to write to us. If you are working with computational SSH at AAU and are not already a member of MASSHINE, we would also like to hear from you.



Contact us

Rolf Lyneborg Lund
Email: rolfll@socsci.aau.dk

Birger Larsen
Email: birger@ikp.aau.dk

Maja Vemmelund Rasmussen
Email: mvr@adm.aau.dk

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