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Humanities at SSH

Our society is changing. The relationship between humans, technology, and the environment is constantly being tested. This calls for ambitious ideas about navigating these changes and creating lasting solutions. The humanities research and education environments deliver unique contributions to this.

Humanities at SSH

Our society is changing. The relationship between humans, technology, and the environment is constantly being tested. This calls for ambitious ideas about navigating these changes and creating lasting solutions. The humanities research and education environments deliver unique contributions to this.

Our Humanities research and education environments are characterised by academic excellence and innovative interdisciplinarity. Both education and research make a difference in society and contribute to solving the major challenges of the future. SSH specialises in three areas:

  • The product-oriented humanities, where digital methods and processes contribute to the creation of new products, services, and experiences.
  • The development-oriented humanities, where humanistic knowledge helps strengthen learning and development in humans and organisations.
  • The intercultural humanities, where knowledge about the interaction between humans, cultures, and institutions enhances the opportunities for navigating in a globalised world.